The Port of Olympia is a municipal corporation governed by five elected commissioners who set policies and objectives. Each commissioner represents a district within Thurston county and serves a 2-year or 4-year term.
Please join us at our Commission meetings. We hold two evening commission meetings each month and one work session meeting. All are open to the public.
Commission Meetings
We welcome your testimony, comments, and feedback at our evening meetings.
When: 5:30 p.m. on the second and fourth Monday of each month, unless the meeting falls on a holiday, then it will be held on Tuesday
Where: Olympics Room, 626 Columbia Street NW, Suite 1B, Olympia, WA 98501
Work Session Meetings
No public comment is taken as no Commission action occurs in Work Sessions.
When: 3:30 p.m. on the third Monday of each month, unless the meeting falls on a holiday, then it will be held on Tuesday
Where: Olympics Room, 626 Columbia Street NW, Suite 1B, Olympia, WA 98501
All commission meetings and work sessions are recorded and made available on our website.
If you prefer to share your thoughts in writing, please submit your comments using the Public Comment form on this page no later than 12:00 p.m. on the meeting day. All written comments will be sent to the Commissioners before the meeting.
Current Topics of Interest
Public Comment
Verbal Comment
The public may give testimony and public comment on items on the agenda or of interest to the public at the Monday evening meetings.
If you would like to make a verbal public comment, please indicate this on the meeting sign-in sheet after you arrive. Individual verbal public comments are limited to 3 minutes per person, or as indicated on the agenda. Verbal public comment is not accepted at Commission Work Sessions.
Written Comment
You may submit written public comment by filling out the Public Comment Form below, and it will be read out loud at the next commission meeting. Comments must be received by noon on commission meeting day to be included on the agenda for that meeting.
Each port in Washington state is governed by its own commission, which acts as a board of directors for the port. The commission is elected by citizens in the port district and may consist of three or five commissioners.
The Port of Olympia is a municipal corporation governed by five elected commissioners who set policies and objectives. Each commissioner represents a district within Thurston county and serves a 2-year or 4-year term. The commissioners appoint the Port’s executive director, who is responsible for the ongoing management of the Port’s enterprises and facilities.
Commission Goals, Projects, Studies
On August 28, 2017, the Port Commission adopted the Commission Goals in support of the Port’s Strategic Plan.
Economic Benefits Study
In 2021, the Port Commission authorized a study by Martin Associates to measure the local and regional economic impacts of the Port of Olympia.
Meeting Schedule
Commission Schedule
Commission Meeting Videos
To facilitate citizen access to information about the Port, the Port began carrying unedited videos of the Commission meetings on its website in January 2014. Beginning in March 2022, Port Commission meetings are aired on TCMedia with the following air times:
Channel 22
Thursdays 5:30 p.m. and Sundays 8:30 a.m.
Please contact the Commission Coordinator at or 360-528-8014 to request a copy of an older meeting or receive commission agenda notices.

Agendas are available prior to the meetings.
*Meeting packets are generally posted one week in advance and are subject to change.
Minutes are available following Commission approval.
Resolutions are also available following Commission approval.
Archived Records
Meeting minutes and resolutions prior to 2016 have been transferred to Washington State Archives for permanent safekeeping and are viewable on their website.

606 Columbia St. NW, Suite 300
Olympia, WA 98501

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©2020 / Port of Olympia. All Rights Reserved