Port of Olympia Blog

Port to Host Webinar
for Port Peninsula Integrated Master Plan

Port to Host Webinar for Port Peninsula Integrated Master Plan  

The Port of Olympia is hosting a webinar 11 a.m., Wednesday, Aug. 28 to share information about the new Port Peninsula Integrated Master Plan. This is an opportunity for the community to learn about the Port, the purpose of a master plan and how to get involved in our master planning process.Graphic for webinar that includes image of Budd Inlet, webinar details and images of presenters

The master plan will integrate environmental efforts, such as the Budd Inlet cleanup, sea level rise resilience needs, and Deschutes Estuary restoration, building off concepts from the Port’s Vision 2050 and Destination Waterfront plan

“Our goal in this planning effort is to enlist the community’s help to decide future uses and amenities on the Port’s Peninsula. We hope to turn the Port Peninsula into a climate resilient, environmentally responsible community gathering place that also meets the economic and recreational needs of the community,” said Port Executive Director Alex Smith. “Input from the public will be central to our planning efforts.” 

In addition to sharing key elements of the Port Peninsula Integrated Master Plan, our webinar will also talk about the many ways the public will be able to participate in the planning process through in-person workshops, events, online webinars and surveys. 

To learn more about the webinar and to register, visit www.tinyurl.com/PortPeninsula 

To learn more about the master plan and future public participation events visit www.portolympia.com/masterplan

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