Port Peninsula Integrated Master Plan Update
Looking Ahead Into the New Year
Greetings and Happy New Year! To start off the year, here’s a brief update on the Port Peninsula Integrated Master Plan, including a look at where we are and what’s coming and suggestions for ways to participate and provide input. A big thank you to those community members who have already provided their thoughtful feedback, comments and questions. Community involvement and collaboration is key to creating a shared vision for the future of the Port Peninsula that reflects the needs of all of Thurston County.
Where We Are

Since kicking off the master plan in July 2024, the first phase of the planning process is well underway. We have a team of consultants in place with extensive experience in land use development, parks and open space, ports, maritime businesses, and habitat restoration who are conducting the research and analysis that is needed to develop a comprehensive master plan.
We are doing outreach each month in the form of community events, presentations and tours. As we move into the new year and the next phase of the project, we will continue our outreach to provide information to the community about the Port Peninsula Integrated Master Plan and to gather public comments and feedback.
What’s Coming
Over the next few months, we will share more details about the areas the master plan is currently evaluating and how they align with the Port’s mission to generate economic development, foster environmental stewardship and develop community assets. We will also begin to define and form the individual chapters within the master plan that will include Budd Inlet Cleanup, the marine terminal, Swantown Marina and Boatworks facilities, parks and open spaces and other development concepts on the Port Peninsula.
Be sure to keep an eye on our website where we will share project updates and upcoming public participation opportunities including an open house targeted for this spring. At this event we expect to share the various options and concepts for the waterfront based on our evaluation and community input.

Adoption of Commissioner Sub-Committee
We are also excited to announce the formation of a two-member commissioner sub-committee to help advance the master plan and provide valuable insight, vision and guidance on behalf of the larger commission. Commissioner Amy Evans Harding and Commissioner Jasmine Vasavada will lead this effort.
“The Port Peninsula Integrated Master Plan is not just about development. We want an integrated plan that also incorporates important environmental initiatives as well as reflects Port values and the community’s interests and needs,” explained Port Executive Director Alex Smith. “The creation of a commissioner sub-committee will help us achieve that.”
Updated Webpage With New FAQ Section
Have you visited the Port Peninsula Integrated Master Plan web page recently? It has new information and graphics to help illustrate the goals of the master plan and show how multiple groups and stakeholders are working together to build a shared vision of the Port Peninsula.
The updated page also includes a new Frequently Asked Questions section that covers questions we are hearing from the community. If you don’t see an answer to your question, you can submit one by filling out the “Contact Us” form at the bottom of the page and we will get back to you!
What You Can Do Now
We want to offer as many opportunities as possible to learn about the master plan and provide input. Here are a few ways you can engage now:
Submit a written public comment
If you would like to submit a public comment about the master plan to our commissioners but are not able to attend in person, you can submit a written comment online that will be shared at the next commission meeting.
Take a short survey to let us know what you enjoy about the Port Peninsula and what you feel is most important to consider for future development.
If you missed our informational webinars this fall, you can watch a recorded version to learn about the Port Peninsula Integrated Master Plan and the Budd Inlet Cleanup.
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