Port of Olympia Blog

As West Bay Sediment Sampling Concludes, Port of Olympia Plans Next Steps for Budd Inlet Cleanup

This week, the Port of Olympia will conclude its core sediment sampling in West Bay to support the Budd Inlet Cleanup. Over the last two months, research crews collected approximately 1300 samples from 130 different locations in West Bay. Additional sampling will continue into April focusing on areas near the marine terminal wharf.


Public Observation Day

Community members in rain gear sitting on boat for a guided tour of West Bay
Community members on a guided boat tour of West Bay at the Port of Olympia’s Public Observation Day.

On Tuesday, March 4, we welcomed dozens of local citizens and community representatives from city, county and local Tribes to a Public Observation Day at the Port Plaza Pier to observe the sediment sampling process.

Armed with raincoats and umbrellas, attendees braved the weather to take a guided boat tour of West Bay led by Environmental Manager Jonathon Wolf and research vessel lead Dan Pickering.

During the 45-minute tour, participants learned about the types of pollution being investigated, their origins, and the process for cleanup.  They also observed our research crew extracting 15-foot core sediment samples and saw examples of the equipment and tools used during the process.

Jon and Dan discussed other factors that will play into the project, such as the connection between the Budd Inlet Cleanup and the Deschutes Estuary Restoration Project, and included a pass by the 5th Avenue Dam, a sight most people have not experienced from the water.

“It was exhilarating to be out there observing the work we are doing to clean up historic pollution and address climate concerns,” said Port Commissioner Maggie Sanders who came out to support the event. “Although progress can be slow, we have accomplished a lot and it’s rewarding to be able to share it with our community.”


Next Steps

Graphic showing vertical timeline of Budd Inlet CleanupWest Bay sediment samples have been sent to the lab on a daily basis since the sampling began, as the lab requires receipt within a short timeframe to ensure “freshness.”  The analyses will take a few months at the two contracted labs and results should start trickling in this May, with a final report available by the end of the year. 

This summer, we expect to have results to share from the 1100 sediment samples we took last year in the East Bay region.

Later in 2025 we will submit our work plan to Ecology for Sub-area 3, the area north of Squaxin Park.  If all goes well, sampling there should occur in late 2025 and early 2026, with results expected by the end of 2026. 


What to Expect from the Project Design

Once the sediment sampling and investigations are complete, the Washington State Department of Ecology will review and analyze the data, and the Port will work with its consulting team of scientists to come up with a project design to begin the cleanup work, which is targeted to begin in 2027 in East Bay.

“In our investigation, we are looking for, and finding, legacy contamination from industrial activities dating back to the early 1900s. These include dioxin/furans from the burning of salt-infused wood, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons such as petroleum products,” explains Environmental Manager Jonathon Wolf. “The final test results will confirm the location and amount of historic contamination in the bay, allowing us to complete an Engineering Design Plan that specifies the cleanup process for each sub area.”

Each of the three sub areas in East Bay, West Bay and NorthPoint will have its own cleanup plan. What we learn from our sediment sampling will be used by scientists to inform the design and engineering of cleanup plans and what we decide to do with the contaminated sediment, which could include dredging, enhanced monitored natural recovery, and possibly in-water disposal.


Sign Up for Budd Inlet Updates

For more information about the Budd Inlet Cleanup visit www.portolympia.com/BuddInlet and sign up for Budd Inlet project updates.

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