Debt Portfolio
The Port of Olympia issues bonds from time to time as approved by the Port Commission.

Investments Funded by
Your Tax Dollars
The Port uses General Obligation Bonds to finance many of its capital projects. It pays the bonds off with a combination of operating income and property tax dollars. The schedule shown below lists the yearly bond funded projects since 2015.
Yearly Bond Information
2015 Refunding Bond
- East Bay Redevelopment
- Marine Terminal Berth Dredge
- Marina Dock Rehab
- Cascade Pole Site Capping – Environmental
2016A LTGO Bond and Refunding Bond
- East Bay Redevelopment
- Marine Terminal Berth Dredge
- Marina Dock Rehab
- Cascade Pole Site Capping – Environmental
2016B LTGO Bond
- Lacey Commerce Business Center
- Tumwater Cleanwater Development Improvements
2018A LTGO Bond and Refunding Bond
- Marina Fuel Dock
- Stormwater Treatment Facility
- Cascade Pole Site Improvements
2018B LTGO Bond and Refunding Bond
- Marine Terminal Equipment
Key Bank Loan 7
- Airport and New Market Industrial Campus Facilities