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Port of Olympia and International Longshore Warehouse Union Local 47B Come to an Agreement

Boats in Swantown Marina at sunset

OLYMPIA — The Port of Olympia reached a significant milestone in the ongoing negotiations with the International Longshore Warehouse Union Local 47B when they signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for a 2023-2024 wage adjustment on Oct. 11, 2023. The MOU is a significant step toward achieving a final contract and signifies a collaborative and […]

Recruiting Underway for Port of Olympia Citizens Advisory Committee – Creating a Diverse Group to Help Shape the Future

OLYMPIA – The Port of Olympia is excited to announce they are recruiting two community members for its 17-member Port of Olympia Citizens Advisory Committee (POCAC). The POCAC plays a crucial role in advising the Port Commission, staff and community on matters related to Port operations, economic development, environmental stewardship, special projects and initiatives and […]

Rejuvenating Budd Inlet’s Ecosystem

On the surface, Budd Inlet is picturesque. Sailboats dot the water, pedestrians stroll the waterfront, and the Olympic Mountains are the perfect backdrop. But a deeper look shows a suffering ecosystem—one that impacts wildlife and humans alike.

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