Port of Olympia Citizens Advisory Committee (POCAC) Volunteer Application
The Port of Olympia invites applications for volunteers to serve on its Citizens Advisory Committee (POCAC)
About the POCAC
The Port of Olympia Citizens Advisory Committee (POCAC) is a Committee of citizens selected through an application process as determined by the Port of Olympia Commission. The committee has contributed citizen advice and assistance to the Port since the Commission formed it in 1994.The purpose of the POCAC is to provide advice to the Port Commission on tasks as assigned by the Port Commission. The Commission will identify the type of work products to be delivered, such as reports or white papers, policy recommendations, project recommendations, or advice to the Executive Director.
The Port of Olympia appoints citizens to serve on the POCAC, each serving no more than two (2) consecutive terms for a total of six years. The committee shall consist of up to 17 with no less than 9 members. Each year, the Port Commission shall appoint or reappoint persons to fill the expiring terms, for a full three-year term.
Examples of Duties
The Citizens Advisory Committee volunteers meet monthly (the 3rd Tuesday of every month at 5 pm), or as needed, to provide advice to the Port Commission on tasks assigned by the Commission. Scheduled meetings of the POCAC shall not extend beyond two hours without the consent of the members present. All of the Committee scheduled meetings are open to the public.
POCAC Sub-Committees may be established for the purpose of additional analysis and/or review required to accomplish the Port Commission assigned task(s). Sub-Committees may meet at times and locations to be determined by consensus of the members of the sub-committees. POCAC Sub-Committee meetings scheduled by the Sub-Committee Chair are not a meeting of the committee as a whole and therefore not subject to the public agency Open Public Meetings Act Chapter RCW 42.30.
Special meetings may be set and conducted by the POCAC to accomplish specific tasks within the work plan or to meet schedules as agreed to by the POCAC. Special meetings may also be scheduled to facilitate POCAC activities such as open houses and workshops, as approved and/or directed by the Port Commission. Individual members may also be asked to participate with Port staff on a range of Port programs and projects.
Applicants must be Thurston County residents. A Port Commissioner, the Executive Director and the Chair of the committee will interview applicants and recommend appointments to the Commission. Applicants will be evaluated based on past volunteer activities, private/public work experience, experience or knowledge regarding the Port of Olympia, representation of the five Commissioner Districts in Thurston County, and reason(s) for wanting to serve on the POCAC.
Offers are contingent on the verification of credentials and other information required by the employment process, including the completion of a pre-employment background check.
Applicants will be notified by email of next steps in the selection process.
A confirmation of your submittal will be sent to the email address provided above.