December 11, 2023 Commission Meeting: 5:30 PM
Please find meeting details below.
Recorded videos of Commission meetings are available to view shortly after each meeting.
A. Call to Order
B. Pledge of Allegiance
C. Approval of Agenda
D. Executive Director Report
E. Public Comment
Individual public comments are limited to 3 minutes per person. Members of the public may comment on agenda items and other port business.
NOTE: Guidelines for public comment can be found in the Commission Rules in Resolution 2022-09 Article VI.
- Comments should be directed to Commission: Comments should be directed to the Commission as a whole and should not include comments about individual Port staff or members of the public.
- Courtesy: All speakers (members of the public, Port staff, and Commissioners) shall be courteous in language and demeanor and shall confine remarks to those facts that are germane and relevant to the question or issue under discussion.
F. Consent Calendar
1. Surplus Property – Airport Equipment
2. Minutes: Nov. 27, 2023; Nov. 6, 2023; Oct. 23, 2023; Oct. 2, 2023; Sept. 19, 2023; Aug. 14, 2023; and Jan. 23, 2023
G. Pending Issues or Business
1. None
H. Action Calendar
1. PUBLIC HEARING: Resolution 2023-12 Surplus Property – 2641 Willamette Dr. NE, 2633 Willamette Dr. NE, and 2625 Willamette Dr. NE respectively, all in Lacey Washington, and all improvements located on the parcels, including three buildings. Pursuant to RCWs 53.08.090, 53.20.010, and 53.02.020, the Port of Olympia Commission will hold a public hearing to consider a change to the Port Comprehensive Scheme of Harbor Improvements (CSHI) to declare the property at 2641 Willamette Dr. NE, 2633 Willamette Dr. NE, and 2625 Willamette Dr. NE respectively, all in Lacey Washington, and all improvements located on the parcels, including three buildings, (Tax Parcel numbers 4204-00-00100, 4204-00-00200, and 4204-00-00300), as no longer needed for district purposes and to be subsequently sold to 1892 Holdings, LLC.
a. Open Public Hearing
b. Presentation regarding Resolution 2023-12 Surplus Property – Commerce Business Center (CBC)
c. Accept Public Testimony
d. Close Public Hearing
2. Resolution 2023-12 Surplus Property – 2641 Willamette Dr. NE, 2633 Willamette Dr. NE, and 2625 Willamette Dr. NE
3. Commerce Business Center (CBC) Purchase and Sale Agreement
4. Panattoni New Market Industrial Campus (NMIC) Standard Lease Form Revision
I. Action/Other Calendar
1. Janitorial Services Contract
a. Public Comment on Action/Other Calendar
2. Security Contract
b. Public Comment on Action/Other Calendar
J. Advisory Calendar
1. Executive Director Recruitment Update
2. Q3 Financial Results
3. Public Comment on Advisory Calendar
K. Commissioner Reports/Discussion
L. Other Business
M. Meeting Announcements
N. Adjourn