As West Bay Sediment Sampling Concludes, Port of Olympia Plans Next Steps for Budd Inlet Cleanup

On the surface, Budd Inlet is picturesque. Sailboats dot the water, pedestrians stroll the waterfront, and the Olympic Mountains are the perfect backdrop. But a deeper look shows a suffering ecosystem—one that impacts wildlife and humans alike.
Port to Host Public Observation Day on March 4 to Give Behind-the-Scenes Look at the Budd Inlet Cleanup

On the surface, Budd Inlet is picturesque. Sailboats dot the water, pedestrians stroll the waterfront, and the Olympic Mountains are the perfect backdrop. But a deeper look shows a suffering ecosystem—one that impacts wildlife and humans alike.
Port of Olympia Commission Approves Purchase of Dancing Goats Building

Olympia, WA — The Port of Olympia Commission has approved an amendment to the 2025 Capital budget to initiate the purchase of the Dancing Goats (formerly Batdorf and Bronson) office and roastery building located at 200 Market St NE, Olympia, marking a significant step towards enhancing the Port’s administrative operations and consolidating its presence in […]
Port of Olympia Issues SEPA Determination of Nonsignificance for Airport Master Plan

Olympia, WA – The Port of Olympia has determined that adoption of the 2021 Olympia Airport Master Plan update does not have a probable significant adverse impact upon the environment due to proposed measures to reduce or control impacts associated with its implementation, including mitigation requirements. An Environmental Impact Statement is not required under RCW […]
Port of Olympia Continues Sediment Sampling in Budd Inlet and Will Hold Public Observation Event in March

Olympia, WA – The Port of Olympia is set to continue sediment sampling this winter for legacy pollutants in Budd Inlet with testing focused on the West Bay region. The research vessel entered Budd Inlet this week and will test more than 100 sites over the next few months. In accordance with the State of […]
Port Peninsula Integrated Master Plan Update

On the surface, Budd Inlet is picturesque. Sailboats dot the water, pedestrians stroll the waterfront, and the Olympic Mountains are the perfect backdrop. But a deeper look shows a suffering ecosystem—one that impacts wildlife and humans alike.