

Vision 2050

Port Olympia Vision 2050 is the result of an iterative, 14-month community engagement process.  The plan presents a new opportunity to ensure Port focus and investments yield benefits and outcomes that align with community priorities. The Port is grateful to the thousands of residents, customers and visitors who contributed suggestions during this engagement process.

Strategic Plan 2025

The Port of Olympia Commission passes a Comprehensive Scheme of Harbor Improvements. This is the Port’s primary planning document and is required by state law. All projects contained in the Capital Investment Plan (CIP) must first be contemplated in the Comprehensive Scheme of Harbor Improvements.


Destination Waterfront Development

In 2019, the Port Commission accepted the Port Vision 2050 plan. Port Vision 2050 was an 18-month process that sought input on goals for Port activities through 2050 from key stakeholders and the community at large. One of the key community goals that emerged from this effort was to “Turn the Port Peninsula into a premier destination by adding attractions, increasing accessibility, and maintaining a clean and safe environment.”

Port Peninsula Integrated Master Plan

The Port Peninsula Integrated Master Plan aims to create a plan for future uses on the marine terminal, at Swantown Marina and Boatworks, and for other key areas, by integrating multiple projects into a holistic land use plan. It will include integrating the Budd Inlet cleanup, sea level rise resilience projects, the Deschutes Estuary restoration, and concepts from the Vision 2050 and Destination Waterfront community visions.  

This planning effort is expected to be complete by August 2025. 


The Port of Olympia’s Comprehensive Scheme of Harbor Improvements​

Together, these two documents meet the statutory requirements for Public Ports’ Comprehensive Scheme of Harbor Improvements.

All changes to the Port’s Comprehensive Scheme must undergo environmental review under the Washington State’s SEPA policy. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) was conducted on the Port’s Comprehensive Scheme in 1994-95. Since then, addendums have been issued to accommodate what have primarily been minor, administrative change to the plan.

The Port of Olympia prepared an Addendum to FEIS Minor Modifications to Port of Olympia Development Guidelines to addend the Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Strategic Plan for the Port of Olympia on April 20, 2017 to address modifications made in the May 22, 2017 Commission Approved Comprehensive Scheme of Harbor Improvements.

Referenced Plans

The Port’s Comprehensive Scheme of Harbor Improvements incorporates by reference the Airport Master Plan Update. 

The Port’s Comprehensive Scheme of Harbor Improvements incorporates by reference the Tumwater Town Center Land Use Plan (December, 2004). 

The Port’s Comprehensive Scheme of Harbor Improvements references an on-going planning process for the New Market Industrial Campus (NMIC). This on-going planning effort has included extensive public input. 

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