Port of Olympia Commissioners to Conduct Second Round of Interviews for Two Executive Director Candidates

OLYMPIA, WA — The Port of Olympia announces that the Port Commissioners has agreed to conduct a second round of interviews for selected executive director candidates. After careful consideration, two exceptional candidates, Mike Reid, and Alex Smith, have been chosen to advance in the selection process. This decision is a testament to the Port’s commitment […]
Port of Olympia Announces Finalists for Executive Director Position

OLYMPIA, WA — The Port of Olympia has officially announced the finalists vying for the executive director position. After an extensive search and rigorous selection process, the four candidates who have emerged as the top contenders are Joshua Cummings, Anthony Hemstad, Michael Reid, and Alexandra Smith. The responsibility of appointing the executive director lies with […]
Port of Olympia to Launch Research Vessel in Budd Inlet to Address Legacy Pollutants and Promote Environmental Restoration

OLYMPIA — The Port of Olympia is set to embark on a significant environmental initiative with the launch of a research vessel in Budd Inlet on January 8, 2024. As required by the Department of Ecology, the primary focus of this venture is to investigate and address harmful legacy pollutants, including dioxins and furans, in […]
Port of Olympia and Puget Sound Estuarium Partner to Provide Tours for Students

OLYMPIA – The Port of Olympia and the Puget Sound Estuarium recently collaborated on a series of field trips for fifth-grade students from local school districts. From September 25 to October 13, a total of one thousand students had the chance to participate in hands-on learning experiences focused on Olympia’s waterfront. During these field trips, […]
Port of Olympia and International Longshore Warehouse Union Local 47B Come to an Agreement

OLYMPIA — The Port of Olympia reached a significant milestone in the ongoing negotiations with the International Longshore Warehouse Union Local 47B when they signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for a 2023-2024 wage adjustment on Oct. 11, 2023. The MOU is a significant step toward achieving a final contract and signifies a collaborative and […]
Recruiting Underway for Port of Olympia Citizens Advisory Committee – Creating a Diverse Group to Help Shape the Future

OLYMPIA – The Port of Olympia is excited to announce they are recruiting two community members for its 17-member Port of Olympia Citizens Advisory Committee (POCAC). The POCAC plays a crucial role in advising the Port Commission, staff and community on matters related to Port operations, economic development, environmental stewardship, special projects and initiatives and […]